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In today's digital age, animation has become a powerful medium for storytelling, entertainment, and communication.

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in the Philippines recognizes the importance of nurturing creative talents and meeting the demands of the vibrant animation industry. Through the Animation NC II course, TESDA provides aspiring animators with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in this dynamic field.

Check out my list of 10 FREE TESDA Online Courses

Animation NC II Overview

Course Title: Animation NC II

Duration: The Animation NC II course typically spans several months, encompassing theoretical learning, hands-on training, and practical application of animation techniques.

Course Description:
The Animation NC II course is a competency-based program designed to equip individuals with the fundamental skills required for digital animation production. Participants learn various techniques, software applications, and industry-standard practices essential for creating compelling animations. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including animation principles, character design, storyboarding, 2D and 3D animation, and post-production processes.


Key Learning Areas

Animation Principles: Students delve into the core principles of animation, including timing, spacing, squash and stretch, anticipation, and exaggeration, understanding how these principles bring life to animated characters and scenes.

Storyboarding: Participants learn the art of visual storytelling, creating storyboards that serve as the blueprint for animated sequences. Storyboarding enhances narrative coherence and helps animators plan their scenes effectively.

Character Design: The course emphasizes the creation of unique and visually appealing characters. Students explore various styles and techniques for character design, enhancing their creativity and imagination.

2D and 3D Animation: Students acquire skills in both 2D and 3D animation, gaining proficiency in software applications such as Adobe Animate, Toon Boom Harmony, and Blender. They learn to create fluid animations, bringing characters and environments to life.

Post-Production: Participants are introduced to post-production processes, including video editing, sound synchronization, and special effects integration. These skills are crucial for refining and enhancing the final animation output.

Industry Ethics and Standards: The course instills professionalism, emphasizing industry ethics, copyright laws, and project management, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for the workplace.

ALSO: List of CHED Scholarships

Benefits of Completing Animation NC II

Creative Expression: Graduates can express their creativity through animation, crafting captivating stories and characters that resonate with audiences across various platforms, including television, film, web, and mobile applications.

Employment Opportunities: Animation NC II opens doors to diverse career opportunities, including roles in animation studios, gaming companies, advertising agencies, and multimedia production houses.

Freelancing and Entrepreneurship: Skilled animators can explore freelance opportunities, working on independent projects, or establish their animation studios, catering to clients and creating original content.

Contribution to Entertainment and Education: Animators contribute to the entertainment industry by creating engaging content for films, television shows, and games. They also play a vital role in educational animations, making complex concepts accessible and engaging for learners.

Global Recognition: The Philippines has gained recognition for its talented animators. Completing the Animation NC II course allows individuals to participate in this global industry and showcase their skills internationally.

ALSO: How to Enroll to TESDA Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

How to Enroll to TESDA Animation NC II

Enrolling in the Animation NC II (National Certificate Level II) program in the Philippines involves several steps. Here's a guide on how to enroll in the Animation NC II course offered by TESDA:

1. Find a TESDA-Accredited Training Center:
First, you need to locate a TESDA-accredited training center that offers the Animation NC II course. You can do this by visiting the official TESDA website or contacting the TESDA regional office in your area. They can provide you with a list of accredited institutions offering the Animation NC II program.

2. Check Requirements:
Each training center may have specific requirements for enrollment. Generally, you need to be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma. Some centers might have additional requirements, so it's essential to inquire about this when you contact them.

3. Visit the Training Center:
Visit the selected TESDA-accredited training center in person. Talk to the staff or admission officers to get detailed information about the course, curriculum, class schedules, fees (if applicable), and other enrollment procedures.

4. Submit Necessary Documents:
Prepare the necessary documents, which usually include a copy of your high school diploma (or equivalent), birth certificate, and other identification documents. Make sure to bring these documents when you go to the training center.

5. Fill Out Enrollment Forms:
Complete the enrollment forms provided by the training center. Provide accurate information and follow the instructions given by the staff.

6. Attend Orientation (if required):
Some training centers conduct orientation sessions to provide students with information about the course structure, expectations, and rules. Attend the orientation if it's part of the enrollment process.

7. Start Classes:
Once you have completed the enrollment process and paid any necessary fees, you can start attending classes. Be punctual and actively participate in the course to make the most out of your learning experience.

8. Complete the Course and Assessment:
Follow the curriculum, participate in practical exercises, and prepare for assessments. The training program will prepare you for the Animation NC II assessment, which you need to pass to obtain the certification.

9. Take the Assessment:
TESDA will conduct an assessment to evaluate your skills and knowledge. Successfully passing this assessment will lead to the award of the Animation NC II certificate.


The Animation NC II course offered by TESDA empowers individuals with the artistic and technical skills needed to succeed in the competitive world of animation. By nurturing creativity, teaching industry-standard practices, and emphasizing professionalism, TESDA ensures that graduates are well-prepared to make their mark in the animation industry.

Through this program, aspiring animators can transform their passion for storytelling and art into a fulfilling and impactful career, contributing to the rich tapestry of animated content enjoyed by audiences worldwide.

If you think you have chosen your TESDA online course, you can now follow the 8 Easy Steps on How to Enroll to a FREE TESDA Online Course and Get a Certification


List of TESDA NC II and NC III Courses & Certification

Enroll to TESDA Animation NC II Program and Get Certified!

In today's digital age, animation has become a powerful medium for storytelling, entertainment, and communication.

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in the Philippines recognizes the importance of nurturing creative talents and meeting the demands of the vibrant animation industry. Through the Animation NC II course, TESDA provides aspiring animators with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in this dynamic field.

Check out my list of 10 FREE TESDA Online Courses

Animation NC II Overview

Course Title: Animation NC II

Duration: The Animation NC II course typically spans several months, encompassing theoretical learning, hands-on training, and practical application of animation techniques.

Course Description:
The Animation NC II course is a competency-based program designed to equip individuals with the fundamental skills required for digital animation production. Participants learn various techniques, software applications, and industry-standard practices essential for creating compelling animations. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including animation principles, character design, storyboarding, 2D and 3D animation, and post-production processes.


Key Learning Areas

Animation Principles: Students delve into the core principles of animation, including timing, spacing, squash and stretch, anticipation, and exaggeration, understanding how these principles bring life to animated characters and scenes.

Storyboarding: Participants learn the art of visual storytelling, creating storyboards that serve as the blueprint for animated sequences. Storyboarding enhances narrative coherence and helps animators plan their scenes effectively.

Character Design: The course emphasizes the creation of unique and visually appealing characters. Students explore various styles and techniques for character design, enhancing their creativity and imagination.

2D and 3D Animation: Students acquire skills in both 2D and 3D animation, gaining proficiency in software applications such as Adobe Animate, Toon Boom Harmony, and Blender. They learn to create fluid animations, bringing characters and environments to life.

Post-Production: Participants are introduced to post-production processes, including video editing, sound synchronization, and special effects integration. These skills are crucial for refining and enhancing the final animation output.

Industry Ethics and Standards: The course instills professionalism, emphasizing industry ethics, copyright laws, and project management, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for the workplace.

ALSO: List of CHED Scholarships

Benefits of Completing Animation NC II

Creative Expression: Graduates can express their creativity through animation, crafting captivating stories and characters that resonate with audiences across various platforms, including television, film, web, and mobile applications.

Employment Opportunities: Animation NC II opens doors to diverse career opportunities, including roles in animation studios, gaming companies, advertising agencies, and multimedia production houses.

Freelancing and Entrepreneurship: Skilled animators can explore freelance opportunities, working on independent projects, or establish their animation studios, catering to clients and creating original content.

Contribution to Entertainment and Education: Animators contribute to the entertainment industry by creating engaging content for films, television shows, and games. They also play a vital role in educational animations, making complex concepts accessible and engaging for learners.

Global Recognition: The Philippines has gained recognition for its talented animators. Completing the Animation NC II course allows individuals to participate in this global industry and showcase their skills internationally.

ALSO: How to Enroll to TESDA Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

How to Enroll to TESDA Animation NC II

Enrolling in the Animation NC II (National Certificate Level II) program in the Philippines involves several steps. Here's a guide on how to enroll in the Animation NC II course offered by TESDA:

1. Find a TESDA-Accredited Training Center:
First, you need to locate a TESDA-accredited training center that offers the Animation NC II course. You can do this by visiting the official TESDA website or contacting the TESDA regional office in your area. They can provide you with a list of accredited institutions offering the Animation NC II program.

2. Check Requirements:
Each training center may have specific requirements for enrollment. Generally, you need to be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma. Some centers might have additional requirements, so it's essential to inquire about this when you contact them.

3. Visit the Training Center:
Visit the selected TESDA-accredited training center in person. Talk to the staff or admission officers to get detailed information about the course, curriculum, class schedules, fees (if applicable), and other enrollment procedures.

4. Submit Necessary Documents:
Prepare the necessary documents, which usually include a copy of your high school diploma (or equivalent), birth certificate, and other identification documents. Make sure to bring these documents when you go to the training center.

5. Fill Out Enrollment Forms:
Complete the enrollment forms provided by the training center. Provide accurate information and follow the instructions given by the staff.

6. Attend Orientation (if required):
Some training centers conduct orientation sessions to provide students with information about the course structure, expectations, and rules. Attend the orientation if it's part of the enrollment process.

7. Start Classes:
Once you have completed the enrollment process and paid any necessary fees, you can start attending classes. Be punctual and actively participate in the course to make the most out of your learning experience.

8. Complete the Course and Assessment:
Follow the curriculum, participate in practical exercises, and prepare for assessments. The training program will prepare you for the Animation NC II assessment, which you need to pass to obtain the certification.

9. Take the Assessment:
TESDA will conduct an assessment to evaluate your skills and knowledge. Successfully passing this assessment will lead to the award of the Animation NC II certificate.


The Animation NC II course offered by TESDA empowers individuals with the artistic and technical skills needed to succeed in the competitive world of animation. By nurturing creativity, teaching industry-standard practices, and emphasizing professionalism, TESDA ensures that graduates are well-prepared to make their mark in the animation industry.

Through this program, aspiring animators can transform their passion for storytelling and art into a fulfilling and impactful career, contributing to the rich tapestry of animated content enjoyed by audiences worldwide.

If you think you have chosen your TESDA online course, you can now follow the 8 Easy Steps on How to Enroll to a FREE TESDA Online Course and Get a Certification


List of TESDA NC II and NC III Courses & Certification

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