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Pharmacy Services NC II is a comprehensive program offered by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in the Philippines.

This course is tailored to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to become proficient pharmacy technicians, playing a vital role in the healthcare sector. Here’s an overview of TESDA Pharmacy Services NC II:

Pharmacy Services NC II Overview

Pharmacy Services NC II is meticulously designed to provide students with a deep understanding of pharmaceutical concepts, drug dispensing, and patient care. The course aims to produce skilled pharmacy technicians who can assist pharmacists and healthcare professionals effectively.

Check out my list of 10 FREE TESDA Online Courses


Course Content

Pharmaceutical Fundamentals: Understanding the basic principles of pharmacology, including drug classifications, actions, and interactions.

Drug Dispensing: Learning the correct procedures for dispensing medications, including proper dosage calculations and labeling.

Pharmacy Law and Ethics: Familiarity with pharmaceutical laws and regulations, as well as ethical standards in pharmacy practice.

Community and Hospital Pharmacy Procedures: Gaining hands-on experience in both community and hospital pharmacy settings, including inventory management and customer service.

Basic Anatomy and Physiology: A foundational understanding of human anatomy and physiology is crucial for pharmacy technicians to comprehend the effects of medications on the body.

Skills Developed

Medication Knowledge: Pharmacy technicians are equipped with in-depth knowledge about various drugs, their uses, and potential side effects.

Accuracy and Attention to Detail: Precision is essential in drug dispensing to prevent errors and ensure patient safety.

Customer Service: Developing excellent communication skills to interact effectively with patients and healthcare professionals.

Teamwork: Collaborating with pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive patient care.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Pharmacy Services NC II program can explore diverse career opportunities, including:

Retail Pharmacies: Working in community pharmacies, assisting customers, dispensing medications, and providing medication counseling.

Hospital Pharmacies: Employed in hospital settings, pharmacy technicians collaborate with pharmacists to prepare and dispense medications to patients.

Pharmaceutical Companies: Working in pharmaceutical manufacturing, quality control, or sales and marketing roles.

Clinical Research: Pharmacy technicians can contribute to clinical trials by preparing medications and monitoring patients.

Government Health Agencies: Employed in public health programs, ensuring the availability and safe distribution of medications.

How to Enroll

Individuals interested in enrolling in the TESDA Pharmacy Services NC II program can follow the standard TESDA enrollment process. This typically involves finding a TESDA-accredited training center, checking the specific requirements for the course, and attending classes.

Upon completion of the program, students are required to pass the TESDA assessment to obtain the NC II certification.

If you think you have chosen your TESDA online course, you can now follow the 8 Easy Steps on How to Enroll to a FREE TESDA Online Course and Get a Certification


TESDA’s Pharmacy Services NC II program is instrumental in shaping competent pharmacy professionals who uphold the highest standards of patient care and pharmaceutical practice. Graduates of this program play a crucial role in ensuring the safe and effective use of medications, contributing significantly to the healthcare industry and the well-being of patients.

With a strong emphasis on knowledge, skills, and ethics, pharmacy technicians emerge from this program well-prepared for a fulfilling career in various healthcare settings.

List of TESDA Scholarship Programs


List of TESDA NC II and NC III Courses & Certification

Enroll to TESDA Pharmacy Services NC II and Get Certified!

Pharmacy Services NC II is a comprehensive program offered by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in the Philippines.

This course is tailored to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to become proficient pharmacy technicians, playing a vital role in the healthcare sector. Here’s an overview of TESDA Pharmacy Services NC II:

Pharmacy Services NC II Overview

Pharmacy Services NC II is meticulously designed to provide students with a deep understanding of pharmaceutical concepts, drug dispensing, and patient care. The course aims to produce skilled pharmacy technicians who can assist pharmacists and healthcare professionals effectively.

Check out my list of 10 FREE TESDA Online Courses


Course Content

Pharmaceutical Fundamentals: Understanding the basic principles of pharmacology, including drug classifications, actions, and interactions.

Drug Dispensing: Learning the correct procedures for dispensing medications, including proper dosage calculations and labeling.

Pharmacy Law and Ethics: Familiarity with pharmaceutical laws and regulations, as well as ethical standards in pharmacy practice.

Community and Hospital Pharmacy Procedures: Gaining hands-on experience in both community and hospital pharmacy settings, including inventory management and customer service.

Basic Anatomy and Physiology: A foundational understanding of human anatomy and physiology is crucial for pharmacy technicians to comprehend the effects of medications on the body.

Skills Developed

Medication Knowledge: Pharmacy technicians are equipped with in-depth knowledge about various drugs, their uses, and potential side effects.

Accuracy and Attention to Detail: Precision is essential in drug dispensing to prevent errors and ensure patient safety.

Customer Service: Developing excellent communication skills to interact effectively with patients and healthcare professionals.

Teamwork: Collaborating with pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive patient care.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Pharmacy Services NC II program can explore diverse career opportunities, including:

Retail Pharmacies: Working in community pharmacies, assisting customers, dispensing medications, and providing medication counseling.

Hospital Pharmacies: Employed in hospital settings, pharmacy technicians collaborate with pharmacists to prepare and dispense medications to patients.

Pharmaceutical Companies: Working in pharmaceutical manufacturing, quality control, or sales and marketing roles.

Clinical Research: Pharmacy technicians can contribute to clinical trials by preparing medications and monitoring patients.

Government Health Agencies: Employed in public health programs, ensuring the availability and safe distribution of medications.

How to Enroll

Individuals interested in enrolling in the TESDA Pharmacy Services NC II program can follow the standard TESDA enrollment process. This typically involves finding a TESDA-accredited training center, checking the specific requirements for the course, and attending classes.

Upon completion of the program, students are required to pass the TESDA assessment to obtain the NC II certification.

If you think you have chosen your TESDA online course, you can now follow the 8 Easy Steps on How to Enroll to a FREE TESDA Online Course and Get a Certification


TESDA’s Pharmacy Services NC II program is instrumental in shaping competent pharmacy professionals who uphold the highest standards of patient care and pharmaceutical practice. Graduates of this program play a crucial role in ensuring the safe and effective use of medications, contributing significantly to the healthcare industry and the well-being of patients.

With a strong emphasis on knowledge, skills, and ethics, pharmacy technicians emerge from this program well-prepared for a fulfilling career in various healthcare settings.

List of TESDA Scholarship Programs


List of TESDA NC II and NC III Courses & Certification

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