Social Items

In the Philippines, the Social Security System (SSS) plays a crucial role in providing financial security and support to Filipino workers.

One of the essential benefit offered by the SSS is the Sickness Benefit. This benefit serves as a lifeline for employees who are unable to work due to illness, providing them with a much-needed safety net during challenging times.


What is SSS Sickness Benefit?

SSS Sickness Benefit is a monetary assistance given to SSS members who are unable to work due to sickness or injury. This benefit is designed to replace the income lost because of an employee's inability to perform regular work duties. To qualify, a member must have paid at least three months of contributions within the 12-month period immediately before the semester of sickness.

Key Features of SSS Sickness Benefit

Coverage: All SSS members, including employees, self-employed individuals, and voluntary members, are eligible for sickness benefit.

Duration: The benefit is provided for a maximum of 120 days per year. If the sickness or injury persists after the initial 120 days, the member may still be eligible for an extended period of not more than 240 days, but the member needs to undergo the required evaluation process.

Amount: The daily sickness benefit amount is computed based on the member's average daily salary credit (ADSC) for the last 12 months before the semester of sickness.

Notification: It's crucial for members to notify their employer and the SSS about their sickness or injury within five calendar days after the start of the confinement or the start of the disability.

How to Apply for SSS Sickness Benefit

STEP 1: Medical Documentation
Members need to provide the necessary medical documents, including a medical certificate, indicating the nature of the sickness, the expected duration of the illness, and the physician's contact information.

STEP 2: Filing Process
Members can file their sickness benefit claims through the nearest SSS branch. It's advisable to keep all receipts and documents related to medical expenses, as they might be required during the application process.

STEP 3: The Importance of SSS Sickness Benefit
Financial Support: Sickness benefit provide financial assistance to cover medical expenses and daily living costs during the period of illness, ensuring that members can focus on their recovery without worrying about financial strain.

STEP 4: Workforce Stability
By offering support to sick employees, SSS sickness benefit contribute to maintaining a stable and productive workforce. Employees can take the necessary time off to recover fully, reducing the risk of prolonged illness due to insufficient rest.

STEP 5: Peace of Mind
Knowing that there is a safety net in place in case of illness provides peace of mind to workers and their families. It alleviates the stress associated with the financial burden of medical treatment and recovery.



SSS Sickness Benefit is a testament to the Philippine government's commitment to the well-being of its workforce. By providing this vital support system, the SSS ensures that Filipino workers can face health challenges with the confidence that their basic needs will be met.

It is imperative for every eligible member to be aware of their rights and privileges, empowering them to make use of this benefit when needed. Ultimately, SSS sickness benefit not only protects individuals and families but also contribute to a healthier, more stable, and resilient society as a whole.


More Guides for SSS

IMPORTANT NOTE: The rates, contact details and other information indicated in this post are accurate from the time of writing but may change without IMFWJ's notice. Should you know the updated information, please message us on Facebook.

Understanding SSS Sickness Benefit: How to Qualify and Avail the Coverage

In the Philippines, the Social Security System (SSS) plays a crucial role in providing financial security and support to Filipino workers.

One of the essential benefit offered by the SSS is the Sickness Benefit. This benefit serves as a lifeline for employees who are unable to work due to illness, providing them with a much-needed safety net during challenging times.


What is SSS Sickness Benefit?

SSS Sickness Benefit is a monetary assistance given to SSS members who are unable to work due to sickness or injury. This benefit is designed to replace the income lost because of an employee's inability to perform regular work duties. To qualify, a member must have paid at least three months of contributions within the 12-month period immediately before the semester of sickness.

Key Features of SSS Sickness Benefit

Coverage: All SSS members, including employees, self-employed individuals, and voluntary members, are eligible for sickness benefit.

Duration: The benefit is provided for a maximum of 120 days per year. If the sickness or injury persists after the initial 120 days, the member may still be eligible for an extended period of not more than 240 days, but the member needs to undergo the required evaluation process.

Amount: The daily sickness benefit amount is computed based on the member's average daily salary credit (ADSC) for the last 12 months before the semester of sickness.

Notification: It's crucial for members to notify their employer and the SSS about their sickness or injury within five calendar days after the start of the confinement or the start of the disability.

How to Apply for SSS Sickness Benefit

STEP 1: Medical Documentation
Members need to provide the necessary medical documents, including a medical certificate, indicating the nature of the sickness, the expected duration of the illness, and the physician's contact information.

STEP 2: Filing Process
Members can file their sickness benefit claims through the nearest SSS branch. It's advisable to keep all receipts and documents related to medical expenses, as they might be required during the application process.

STEP 3: The Importance of SSS Sickness Benefit
Financial Support: Sickness benefit provide financial assistance to cover medical expenses and daily living costs during the period of illness, ensuring that members can focus on their recovery without worrying about financial strain.

STEP 4: Workforce Stability
By offering support to sick employees, SSS sickness benefit contribute to maintaining a stable and productive workforce. Employees can take the necessary time off to recover fully, reducing the risk of prolonged illness due to insufficient rest.

STEP 5: Peace of Mind
Knowing that there is a safety net in place in case of illness provides peace of mind to workers and their families. It alleviates the stress associated with the financial burden of medical treatment and recovery.



SSS Sickness Benefit is a testament to the Philippine government's commitment to the well-being of its workforce. By providing this vital support system, the SSS ensures that Filipino workers can face health challenges with the confidence that their basic needs will be met.

It is imperative for every eligible member to be aware of their rights and privileges, empowering them to make use of this benefit when needed. Ultimately, SSS sickness benefit not only protects individuals and families but also contribute to a healthier, more stable, and resilient society as a whole.


More Guides for SSS

IMPORTANT NOTE: The rates, contact details and other information indicated in this post are accurate from the time of writing but may change without IMFWJ's notice. Should you know the updated information, please message us on Facebook.

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